Monday, February 7, 2011

Get the baby!

Baby V's first birthday party was this past Saturday. It was a blast! He was sooooo good.

This is a happy baby. He never cries and never minds when people put things on his head. He just lets it be there. He played on the floor for five minutes one time with a wash rag on his head. I wasn't trying to be cruel; I was just trying to distract him for a bit while I switched out the laundry.When his daddy and I were making gourmet cupcakes for his upcoming party, I put a fancy paper cupcake cup on his head like a little fez hat and he cooperated long enough to let his daddy get a picture.  Anyway, he was such a sport wearing his balloon jester birthday hat long enough to take 100 photos.

This is the Monday after the party. I'll arrive at 8: 30, see the Brothers off to school, play and nap. V will nap, I will not.  When he gets up round lunch time, I'll see if he likes prepackaged Chana Masala (curried garbanzo beans) and cabbage!

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