Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Cam!!!

Today is Cam's 7th birthday. What an awesome kid. It's hard to believe he is only 7. I was so amazed last year when he read my birthday card! Well, I'm off to work, I can't wait for the before school birthday party. I hope he likes my presents!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Three Poems

What follows are three poems inspired by BBB's math homework. He had to write a poem using number patterns. I showed him how to write a Haiku and he wrote one. Then he wanted to write another, for fun. And another. I'm so happy to share these with you. I hope his teacher loved them. Enjoy!

Football Haiku  
(pattern: 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables)

The wide receiver
He's going for the touchdown
Then they go for two

2nd Poem - Baseball
(number pattern: 7 words, 8 words, 7 words)

He hits the ball, then he runs
He tries to beat the throw, Out? Safe!
But wait, he's going for second - Out!

3rd Poem - Black Ops
(number pattern: 6 words, 7 words, 6 words)

He runs, he gets to base
Intruder alert! Incoming! They shoot, glass falls
Ow! Then they break into base

Monday, August 22, 2011

Back To School!

Whew! What a summer! You must be wondering "Where have they been these last few months?" We didn't leave you. On the contrary, we have been living it up so we'll have plenty to talk about for the rest of the year.

Today was bittersweet, or as Mom (the boys' mom) would say "Sweet and Salty." It was so sad to know the baby and I wouldn't see the older boys as much. On one hand, less games, less laughter, less companionship, less everything! And on the other; less fighting and less stress.  Their mom and dad took me and their baby, or Moo Shoo Chicken as he is fondly termed by most everyone in the house by now, out to breakfast to celebrate.

Cam is in second grade, his older brother, Bryce is in 4th, and Ash has gone away to begin middle school in the sixth grade. And he LOVES it! All he could talk about when he got home today was how he couldn't wait for school tomorrow. Weirdo . . .

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pokemon Love

We have only had two days of summer, and I am already exhausted. The boys are fun, but sooooo hard to control when they are all together, but when I get one-on-one time with them, our experiences are infinitely richer.

Yesterday, the baby took a long nap and the two older boys were out with friends. It was just me and Cam. We spent time playing a basketball game on the Play Station 3. Not only am I FINALLY learning which buttons to push to shoot the ball and pass the ball, but I'm learning NOT to score too many points. Cam is a great coach and happy that his instructions are leading to improvement, but I definitely don't ever want to beat him in a game. That may lead to the next half-hour of our time together being devoted to calming the temper tantrum. I will forever be learning how to prevent and cure a tantrum.

All kids express frustration and anger differently. This little one needs to express himself physically. For now, we will try using a blow up thing for a punching bag. It was only seconds of punching when a smile crept along his face and the tantrum turned into a game.

Anywho, I wanted to focus this blog entry on the good times. Did anyone see the movie Monster's Inc.? To sum it up, the mosters use children's screams of fear to power their city. By the end of the film, they have learned that a child's laugh yields infinitely more power than a scream. So, instead of sneaking into children's rooms at night to scare them, they barge in with their own comedy routines in order to make them laugh. The tantrums are tough, but the good times are exhilarating.

Later that afternoon, Cam was having some alone time in his room with his Pokemon cards. I asked if I could come in and hang out, and he said I could after 5 minutes alone. When I returned, he laid out all his coolest cards. We discussed which ones were his favorite, which ones were more powerful, etc. (We did this for longer than I thought possible).

Then he held up two cards and asked me which one I thought was cuter. I thought Turtwig was cuter cause he has a little sprout coming out of his head. Cam thought Team Magna's Aron was cuter. I said Aron looked like my boyfriend's dog Dante. After a few more minutes discussing the cards, Cam gave me both cards to keep. He wanted me to have Aron so that I may be reminded of Dante when he passes. It was such a sweet and tender moment. My eyes welled. Any stress he caused me earlier was washed away in that moment.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Every Caregiver's Worst Nightmare

Yesterday, after the pool, the unthinkable happened: a certain little boy who was supposed to meet me on the other end of the mans locker room ditched me and the baby and took off home by himself.

I didn't know right away that he went home by himself. I was calling into the locker room, making the male teenage lifeguards a little uncomfortable. They went in there and checked. No luck. I go back into the pool and I'm searching around, feeling like a huge failure. Everybody knows I lost a kid. I'm starting to panic.

So much can happen in those seconds when he is alone in the locker room, or went back into the pool, or was alone outside of the locker room. What if something happened? How would I explain this to the parents? All those horrible thoughts going on in my brain. I call the oldest brother, who has a cell phone, and he confirms that his brother is home. I'm shaking and starting to cry as I push the stroller home as fast as I can. The beach bag feels like there is an anvil in it!

I'm not sure how the best way to deal with this is. I feel like when I see him, I want to go berserk all over this little boy; what he did was soooooo serious. But despite my fury, I calmly enter the house, see him, and calmly ask him to retire to his bedroom. He can come down when his dad comes home (the three of us will talk about it together) or when dinner is ready; which ever comes first. He goes without a sound. The first sign he is guilty of deliberately leaving on his own. His brother tells me that he asked if I knew he was home, and there was no reply. Guilty!

Knowing his is safe and sound, the damn breaks and the floodgates open. My only regret is not sobbing outside his bedroom door so he can hear how scared and worried I was.

On my way to work! I know mom and dad had a talk with him. I will have a talk with him too. I'm not sure we are going to the pool today. What would you do? How would you handle that if it was your kid, or someone else's kid? Please feel free to comment and let me know. I can use all the advice/tips I can handle. Also, the parents have a little trick up their sleeve to try and scare him into good behavior. If it works out as planned, I will share it with you at the end of the week!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Last Day of School!

Today was the last day of school. I have been mostly excited, but a little bit nervous. Over the past few weeks, I've gotten mostly nervous, but I'm mostly excited again. Our life will basically look like this: Swim practice, workbooks, reading, lunch, pool and playtime, dinner, baseball.

When I got home I packed my beach bag, shaved me legs, and wondered how I will get into the pool every day this summer. I hope I can use the parent's pass. Or do I have to get a membership for the summer? I can't believe this hadn't occurred to me. Whatever, not a big deal.

Also, I'm certified in CPR/AED and First Aid for adults and children and babies!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

My First Baseball Game

Last night I took Cam to his first baseball game of the season and he rocked it! His team won 24-17 with only 2 practices under their belt. I captured his first and last hit on my phone's camcorder. I think his first hit was a single and his last one a double. He also made an out somewhere in between but it was hard to keep my eyes on the game with my eyes on the baby too.

There is nothing cuter than watching a bunch of 5 and 6 year old boys play baseball. It's funny to see them standing in the field, motionless, picking their noses until . . . Bam! The batter hits the ball into the field and the players scramble all over the place like cute, little, uniformed cockroaches when you flip the light on. I can't believe how good they are. The coach pitches to them, but they do the rest themselves.

I played a season of soft-ball when I was about that age. It was very different from what I saw yesterday. To start, I was on a girls softball team. It was supposed to be coach-pitch, but we were so bad it became tee-ball. I don't remember the tee making it any easier.

I don't think I ever really understood the game. I'm not sure they explained it. I have only two distinct memories from that time. The first was the mantra I chanted when my team was in the field: "Please don't hit it to me. Please don't hit it to me.  Please don't hit it to me!" If they did hit it to me, I'd grab the ball as fast as I could and throw it to the pitcher. It didn't matter what position I was playing in the field, or where my opponents were on the bases; I only had to remember that one thing.

My other memory comes from my turn up to bat. That was so frightening. Every time. Swinging, missing, and my mother's encouraging shouts: "Pretend it your brother's head!"

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

One Week Left . . . .

Yikes! Am I really ready for summer? The pool is already open. This is the kids' last week. All three are on swim team. Sweet!

When I was young, I swam too! Every summer from about 8 years old to 13 yrs. I really thought I hated it back then, but I miss it. I even have swimming dreams.

I'll tell you what I am ready for . . . the best tan I've had since I was about that age! My goal every summer is to get so dark, people aren't sure if I speak English. As an adult, I've never made it out enough to make that goal. But it's the beginning of June and I'm almost half way there!

Also, tonight I get to take Cam to his baseball game! I am really excited. (So many exclamation points!) I hope his dad doesn't try to be nice to me and work something out so I can go home on time. I wanna take him to the game and practice with my camera! I love my job.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Ash loves to read, and so do I. It's one of the coolest things we have in common. In fact, all the boys love to read, more or less. Ash loves this book series called Warriors by Erin Hunter. Ash gave me the first book in the first series called Into The Wild.

The book series is based on cat clans. It's a good vs. evil theme. I'm still in the very beginning. The prologue opens on a fight between cat clans. The RiverClan vs. ThunderClan. RiverClan wins this battle over territory when ThunderClan retreats. ThunderClan needs more warriours if it is to survive. Their leader communicates with the heavens, StarClan, who send her this message: "Fire alone can save your Clan."

Our main character, our hero, Rusty, is an indoor cat, or kittypet who dreams of hunting in the wild. One evening, the urge to pursue his dreams becomes so strong that he leaves his garden. He pushes forward into the forest despite the worried and comforting calls of his owners, the warnings of other local cats, and the danger of the forest ahead.

Not long after he leaves his garden, Rusty is attacked. He is brave and ready to fight, but the other cat backs down and introduces himself as Graypaw, a proud warrior in training for the ThunderClan.

The Kids Make Dinner!

It worked out wonderfully and Ash's dinner was a hit. I must admit, I was worried he would run out of steam and leave me to cook it. But he was there for every course; he even came home early from playing with his friends to put it together.

The pasta was very good. It had a yogurt and ricotta cheese sauce with celery salt and poppy seeds in there. It was very fresh tasting. Good choice for warmer weather.

The homemade mozzarella sticks were a little gift from heaven, as was the double fudge chocolate cake! As I was taking my first bite, Bryce says to me, "Prepare to be amazed!" I'm glad he prepared me, because that first bite was so delicious, I might have fallen out of my chair.

Bryce also put on music during dinner which was the best idea. This meal really brought us together. I love cooking with them. Here are a few pics of our experience:

The Process

Mozz sticks and Russian Poppy Seed Pasta

Double Fudge Chocolate Cake!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Love Comic


No School Smoothie Day!

Today is going to be AWESOME! The boys have no school today, and mom is home too, so we will all be together!

We have ahead of us a whole day filled with No School Friday Fare starting with Baked Homemade Mini Donuts with cinnamon and sugar, then we will have Vitamix Smoothies. Ash is head chef today preparing a three course meal consisting of Homemade Mozzarella Sticks, Russian Poppyseed Pasta with veggie side, and Double Fudge Chocolate Cake for dessert! I'm drooling . . . . and so glad I owned the StairMaster this morning! And so glad I had the food channel on that day for him to run across . .  .

I will be sure to take a lot of pictures of our creations today to share with you. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Playing Catch-Up

I haven't been keeping up on my posts lately, as you may have noticed . . . but I'm not quitting! So much is happening with the boys lately: they have been changing and growing and with the end of school near, so is our schedule! I have been keeping notes and journals with snippets of information and happenings and news, and I still want to share them, even though our time-line may be totally messed up. Here is a quick up-to-dater, details to be filled in later . . .

Big Brother Bryce, our 3rd grader, is in minors baseball league, getting his homework done at school everyday, and researching Adidas jackets he has saved up for.

Ash (the oldest, 11 years) is in traveling baseball, graduating the fifth grade soon, and moving on to middle school! Huge changes and adjustments coming for this busy, athletic, pre-teen.

Cam (1st grade) is continuing to get right to reading, homework, and putting away lunch bag every single day after school. He also has an amazingly funky smile since he's lost 3 teeth in the past two weeks or so! He also just started baseball!

Baby V doesn't just get to sit around and look cute all day. . . he plays baseball too! He swings his bat like a pro, and has an amazing throwing arm and aim. You should see him with his little black glove on one hand, ball in the other, hitting it into his glove like a pro. Awesome.

And we are ALL looking forward to summer. School is over in just a few short weeks, and swim team will fill our mornings. Everything else in the universe will fill the rest of our day . . .

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Yay Vitamix!

<><>I scrimped and saved and finally bought the blender of my dreams. The Vitamix. It was waiting for me at work Monday morning. And when that baby went down for a nap, I went to town in the kitchen. The first thing I made was the baby's Green Monster Smoothie. I change the recipe up from time to time, and this time I used applesauce, spinach, and banana. This is the most beautiful green color I've ever seen. Just looking at it makes me feel healthy. 
<><> The next thing I did was put some Prego in the Vitamix and added a big handful of spinach and half of a small zucchini. I added my boosted sauce to the rest, warmed it up and served it with spaghetti for dinner. Unfortunately, when you mix color opposites- green and red- you will always get a less saturated, muddy color. The sauce was less pretty after I added my greens, but healthier. And the boys never noticed. 
<><>For my lunch, I made a Veggie Soup. First, I diced up 1/3rd of an onion and fried it up in a small pot to carmelize it a little. I added one or two diced garlic cloves and various spices halfway through: parsley, tarragon, pepper, salt, and one other. When the onions were about halfway through yummy carmelization, I added one small diced potato and water. When they were soft and the broth was tasty, I threw them in the Vitamix with fresh spinach and zucchini. I added a little sour cream and pepper and enjoyed a tasty, hot, half-raw veggie soup! Yum!
<><>The last thing I did was make each of the boys their own personal smoothie as they came in the door from school. The first two chose strawberry banana with huge baby carrots as a boost. BBB chose banana and carrots. The loved them. I used Dole's Strawberry Banana Orange juice blend, vanilla yogurt, baby carrots, fresh strawberries and bananas and ice.
Green Monster Smoothie with Vitamix

Veggie Soup with Vitamix

Dandelion Sculpture at the Park. V's flowers fell out : (

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies out there. I wanted to share my delicious, fashion-infused, spiritually uplifting afternoon with my gramma and momma and thank all the moms out there who are wells of love and patience to us darn kids.

The pictures that follow show the English Tea Buffet which included various fancy yummy teas with cubed sugar, little hat petifores, a tea kettle cake, tiny sandwiches (lobster salad on croissant, chicken salad on Ezekiel Raisin Bread, cucumber and goat cheese on white bread, egg salad with asparagus on wheat bread, cold cut on rye with chutney), mini scones, date nut bread, mini mango cheesecakes, Orzo salad on spoons. 

You will also see the amazing table decorations! There were between 8 and 10 tables competing for best design. My mom and her girfriend from church did one too!

What you won't see is the Vintage Hat fashion show, a sermon by a female guest speaker, and the interpretive dance. The dance was the best. A ten year old girl performed a dance to a beautiful gospel song. She was out there with her black ballerina outfit on and little bun on her head. She was beautiful to watch and her movements were so expressive.

Mom, I'm sorry you took me to dance rehearsals, put taps on my shoes, bought me the outfit, and I quit right before the recital. I bet you were furious. I love you!

Little hat petifores

Tea kettle cake

Mini mango cheesecakes and date nut bread


Friday, May 6, 2011


I was browsing for nanny websites with tips and information for me, and I found Supernanny's website. This little section made me laugh: http://www.supernanny.co.uk/Advice/Advice-From-Kids.aspx

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Yummiest Ugly Birthday Cake Ever!

Today the kids will be celebrating their daddy's birthday. I made a birthday cake so ugly that I told everyone the baby made it. But it was soooo delicious. I love you Betty Crocker!

No School!

 I can't believe I didn't post this forever ago. This is from an awesome day within the past month. When we are all together at once, it's the most hectic yet most fun and meaningful time.
The start of the biggest living room fort ever!
. . . . almost done . . .

Brothers giving back massages

We love Crayola!

March of Dimes

The afternoon in Times Square was an awesome experience for us. There was so much going on!  We were so busy meeting people, signing the big Dime, walking and raising money. Not to mention all the photographs! We have never seen so many people with big cameras in one square before! (It's needless to say that Baby V was awesome on his first two plane rides. He charmed everyone despite missing meals and naps!)

Here are some photographs from the event:

Signing the big dime
Baby V and his friends

Times Square in the early April afternoon



Me and the Baby
Ferris Wheel INSIDE the Toys R Us in Times Square
The New York Public Library  

My lunch: Lamb Barbacoa with Mexican style corn on the cob and beans

My baby's momma: Dos Enchiladas

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New York, New York!

Today, I am off to New York City with Baby V and his mommy! She will be speaking at the March of Dimes, and the little guy will be there representing healthy babies. We will be marching, sporting purple March of Dimes t-shirts, and V will be breaking hearts left and right. I have never been to New York, so this is very exciting for me. Check back with us tomorrow night for details and photographs!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Back to the "Grind"

I am soooooooooooooo happy to be back at work. (I never thought I'd think that). I didn't know how much I missed my job and the boys until today. As I pulled up to their house this morning, I saw Baby V and Triple B waiting at the door with HUGE smiles on their faces. I bolted up their driveway--couldn't wait for that baby to give me the biggest toothiest smile with arms reaching for me. But when the screen door was no longer between us, his smile faded and he turned toward his big brother.

My heart sank only a tiny bit. I thought this might happen. I swapped contacts for glasses and had cut a lot of hair off since he saw me last (and two weeks had passed), but when he saw my smile, he remembered and I got a big hug.

It's an amazing thing to realize how depressed you were when you are so happy. Needless to say, I did not reach my Spring Break Challenge. Not even close. My first week I was going strong. I made fun paintings, spent a day in the city with a friend, cleaned up the house, worked out, painted my nails, etc.

The second week was not so good. I painted a little, and ate and watched Netflix a lot. I Didn't work out much, I didn't read, I didn't go crazy cleaning the house or running errands, and I didn't talk to family or friends. I blamed it on my hormones. What else could it be?

I realized today that my Nanny Love Tank was empty! Normally, I spend all day with a happy, sweet baby who makes me laugh all the time. I'm active all day at work and I stay hydrated. When the older boys come home, we talk, play outside, and I get read to for twenty minutes a day. Then suddenly, nothing. Outside, it was just cold and clouds. Inside, stale and claustrophobic.

Anyway, I'm happy now. I can't wait to do something cool with the fine, white sand and the cool shells the boys collected for me. Thank you for coming home! I'm so happy to be back at work!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

While You Are Resting, Someone Else is Progressing

I heard that in an Alex Olson poem when I was in high school. I was super motivated today. I feel I accomplished exactly what I set out for. Which is good because I didn't do a darn thing yesterday! Here are two paintings for today

Free Hugs in Sondrio, Italy

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring Break Blues . . .

I'm not really sad, just a little homesick.

Today is the second day of my Spring Break. I get two weeks! I haven't had two weeks off from anything since I was unemployed. So . . .it's been about a decade! The boys are in Florida and I am so happy for them. I hope they are writing in their journals and finding cool dead things on the beach.

I actually miss work. I am so blessed to be able to say that. They are like my little brothers. I spend more waking time at their house than anywhere else. And it's so relaxed and comfortable there.

Yesterday I found myself listing off things I missed about them to Dylan and just catching him up on all the cute things Baby V does. Just a little while ago I ate a grape that looked like a tiny rear end and heard Brother C's little voice in my head say "Butt-cheeks!" and I missed him. I saw the caricature of Brother B and I missed him. On my phone, Big Brother A must have snapped a photo of himself and the baby and I missed them.

But I am keeping busy. These next two weeks are allllllllll about me. I've started my Spring Break Challenge and made two tiny paintings yesterday . Here they are . . .

I am off to a great start, but I must be more productive! I want to finish my cousin's portrait by mid-April at the latest, and I want to finish Dylan's portrait. Here is the start of Dylan's portrait. It's a big one 2' x 3'. It will be my masterpiece (when I finish it . . . ).

Friday, March 25, 2011

Found 'Em!

Yay! Aren't those the cutest pair of shoes on the cutest pair of tiny feet you have ever seen??

Thursday, March 24, 2011

These Shoes Are Made For Walking . . .

 . . . And that's just what they'll do . . . If they can find any! Today we went to the mall in search of baby's first walking shoes. No luck. Apparently, Striderite is no longer at the mall. Can you believe out of the whole mall that sells tons of baby clothes, there are no good shoes for babies and toddlers? Incredible. That baby's gonna be doing a lot of walking in Florida. I hope they find some good ones.

On another note, Big Brother B had try-outs for minor league baseball. He should find out tomorrow if he made it. Good luck B! We know you're an All-Star.

Also, Big Brother A is submitting t-shirt designs for his school's Run For Fun. I hope he gets it. It sounds like girls' submissions always win. Let's give it to the boys this time. 

Raaaaaaaaaar! Monster Sauce!

What are you feeding yourself? Is it healthy? That's good, but what are you feeding your kids? That's even more important. We all know that kids today are the unhealthiest they have ever been (in the U.S. at least) so I'm not going to bore you with stats. And unfortunately, the busier we get, the harder it is to create fresh, healthy meals. Luckily, these boys are healthy eaters and VERY active.

It's sooooo hard to get kids to eat vegetables. Especially raw vegetables, when the quality of nutrition is the highest and they are the least tastey. I'm trying to get Baby V off to a great start, and continue feeding his brothers well. I haven't read this book, but it has inspired me. Check out Jessica Seinfeld's Deceptively Delicious: Simple Secrets to Get Your Kids Eating Good Food. Basically, she sneaks veggies into food. Even into brownies!

Here are a few of my tricks. When I make meatballs or meatloaf, I grate a small zucchini into the mix. It makes the meat super tender and flavorful and no one's the wiser. You can also puree spinach or other veggies into the sauce.

Baby V's favorite lunchtime treat is Raaaaaaaaaaar! Monster sauce! I puree fresh spinach with apple sauce. Sometimes I add banana. He loves it.

Spinach is the best. When it's fresh, it really doesn't have a strong taste. Check out the website for Worlds Healthiest Foods. This site can tell you everything you need to know about the food you are eating (or should be eating) as well as recipes for how to enjoy the food. Here are some nutrition facts from the site:

Spinach is an excellent source of bone-healthy vitamin K, magnesium, manganese, and calcium; heart-healthy folate, potassium, and vitamin B6; energy-producing iron and vitamin B2; and free radical-scavenging vitamin A (through its concentration of beta-carotene) and vitamin C. It is a very good source of digestion-supportive dietary fiber, muscle-building protein, energy-producing phosphorus, and the antioxidants copper, zinc and vitamin E. In addition, it is a good source of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, and heart-healthy niacin and selenium. While this mixture of conventional nutrients gives spinach a unique status in the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory department, it is the unusual mixture of phytonutrients in spinach that "seals the deal" in terms of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory components.

Happy Eating!

Happy Birthday Momma!

Today is Mommy's birthday!!! Not my mommy, but the boys' mommy. She is a super mommy too. She is a hardworking business woman, looks great, and always outdoes herself when it comes to party planning, making the house festive with the seasons, and creating and maintaining traditions for her family.

She makes sure the boys have everything they need and want. She raised 'em up to be sweet, thoughtful, and polite (I know Daddy helped, but it's mom's day today!).

To show their love and appreciation, the boys decorated the kitchen with streamers, baked her cookies, made her cards, gave presents and lots of hugs and love. I'm told Baby V wore a party hat to breakfast to help celebrate!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

20 Minutes of Tough Love

I hate that feeling you get when a baby cries in bed. At the end of the nap, its ok. You're glad to get that cue to get him and bring him downstairs back into life. But when he cries at the very beginning, its heartbreaking. Actually, the feeling isn't really in my heart, but my stomach. I feel nauseous. I can't focus on anything. Should I bring him downstairs? Does he need anything? Should I let him cry it out?

Baby V hid all his pacifiers and has been relying on only one. And I can't find it! I know you shouldn't rely on things like bottles, pacifiers, music/sound machines to get a baby to bed, but we can only wrestle one addiction at a time. We are off bottles in the daytime, and only need the sound machine if his brothers are home, but the paci?

We stayed up a little longer today goofing off and playing, but had to stay on schedule. I put him down about 10:00 or 10:15am without his pacifier and he's crying and crying, hoping I hear him. And I hear him. I know he's had everything he needs so I'm trying to ignore him . . . .but wait! Ah  . . . . the silence of sleep . . . .

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Walkin' and Talkin'

I know I haven't been keeping up with Nanny News like I'd hoped to, so let me catch ya'll up. Baby V is a toddler now. Through and through. (but he'll always be Baby V to me!)

He walks and talks!!! The walking is wonderful and scary. Wonderful because he's growing and excited about it, and scary because you can't hear him coming and he's got further to fall. He gave me a heart attack a few weeks ago. It was quiet and I was folding laundry in the kitchen when I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye. Something two feet tall was walking up beside me! For a split second it felt like a haunting, but when I turned around it was the sweetest baby walking up with a huge, proud smile on his face!

He started to mimic sounds a few months ago, but now he's really got it down and making words. When he's eating something good at lunch, you'll hear "nyum nyum nyum." He tries to say "vroom vroom" when we play with cars and just 16 minutes ago, when we were heading upstairs for his afternoon nap, he waved goodbye and repeated "nigh nigh, nigh nigh" (night night).

It's time to watch our language folks. No more of Spongebob's "sentence enhancers."

The 5 Love Languages

Currently I'm reading Gary Chapman's The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts. In celebration of Valentine's Day, my mother gave me and my boyfriend three copies of his love books to read, ponder, and practice. She knows that we are quite serious about each other, and wants us to be well prepared in our love before we make any big leaps. I read this book with my Love in mind, but the principles of this book can be applied to any loving relationship in our lives.

Dr. Chapman teaches in his book that people have a basic need to be and feel loved. And to be loved is not necessarily the same thing as feeling loved. According to the Doc, we all speak our own primary love language and may need to learn new ones in order to communicate the love we feel for our spouse/partner according to his/her primary love language. The 5 love languages are as follows:

1. Words of Affirmation
2. Quality Time
3. Receiving Gifts
4. Acts of Service
5. Physical Touch

Doctor Chapman uses a "love tank" analogy. We all have our own love tanks that need filling up from those we love. When our love tanks are empty, we don't feel loved and appreciated and our relationships suffer. When children's love tanks are empty, their emotional development suffers as well as their behavior. As a nanny to four awesome boys, my primary concern is the wellbeing and care of those boys. I wonder "Am I speaking the right love languages of the boys, especially the baby?"

They are at different ages and have different needs. The oldest, probably doesn't want or need any physical attention from me. He's 11 and already shying away from affection from his parents when in public. The 9 year old is the same. Big Brother C is 6 years old and I get a hug before school from time to time. Physical attention is probably most needed by the baby. He needs hugs, he needs to be picked up, held, and danced with from time to time.

I think that the languages most applicable to my position at work would be Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, and Acts of Service. The boys want to hear that they did a good job at whatever sport, their sneakers are cool, and I appreciate their help setting the table and they rocked their reading for the day. They want my full attention when they are talking to me and sharing information about their thoughts and their day. They want to shoot hoops and throw the ball around. And, if I am making dinner, they want interesting delicious meals and treats. When they tell me they like what I made for dinner, my love tank fills instantly.

Having successful relationships is hard work, but it's worth it. Learn the love language of your spouse/partner/child/friend. If they like to talk, listen. If they like little gifts, give. If they just wanna hang out, find time to hang out. Give hugs. Tell them they look great!

Monday, March 7, 2011

You Never Forget Your First Kiss . . .

It's official! That baby loves me. Last Wednesday, I received my very first kiss from Baby V. It was just as awkward as any first kiss. Not that I'm unfamiliar with baby kisses, I just wasn't prepared!

We were sitting on the floor playing catch like any other Wednesday morning, when he inched closer to me. I was prepared for a whine and a hug and getting ready to pick him up. Instead, he opened is little baby mouth and lunged right at my face. He's not really a biter, but I wasn't sure what he was going to do. My eyes got wide, I turned my head and tried to dodge him, and smack! He landed one right on my cheek! I realized immediately that I got a sweet baby kiss. It was wonderful.

I was fortunate to receive another the very next day. Again, we were playing on the floor when the emotion overtook him. He crawled right at me at 100 miles per hour and put another on my cheek. It wasn't elicited;  he gave it of his own free will. I'm so lucky.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Cupcake Nightmare . . .

Yesterday, my boyfriend and I went over to my brother's and his girlfriend's new place for dinner. She is German and they made potato salad and tender pork schnitzel for dinner. It was a great time; the food was tasty and the wine was flowing. I made delicious Devil's Food Cupcakes I found from the Martha Stewart website. There's 1 1/4 tsp. of coarse sea salt in the mix. With every big, moist, rich chocolate bite, you get a bit of sea salt that deliciously reminds you to appreciate the sweetness of that Devil Food. I had three of those cupcakes yesterday.

They were delicious but they took a little extra time to prepare (or I was just slow in the kitchen) and didn't get to frosting them until the last minute. I was just about to enjoy spending the next 10 minutes beating the melt-y egg white/sugary mixture until it was cool and had stiff peaks, when I learned that I had burned out the motor of my hand mixer after making the cupcake batter. I continued to whisk it by hand. I made my boyfriend take turns whisking with me for a long time, while I made panicked phone calls to my dad and brother begging for a hand mixer. I would take my butter, my melted morsels, and the egg white/sugar mix to their house and finish it there. My dad would be bringing his electric hand-mixer.

I was getting very upset at what was happening to my cupcake experience. I would like to add that I was already in a pretty irritable state, having cycled through about 6 moods earlier that afternoon, and was running late to my brother's first dinner party without the pretty piped frosting and sugar pearls! We packaged everything up and ran out the door. I was trying to be so careful because the melt-y egg white syrup was only plastic wrapped, and NOT in a Tupperware, where I knew it should have been but was too lazy and worried about being late to do anything about. You should always take the extra time to fix something you know needs fixing or it will cost more time and money and emotions later!

Anyway, at some point between leaving my apartment and getting half-way to my brothers, that egg syrup leaked in the cloth bag I was carrying it it. I was holding this bag on my lap for extra special support and so tons of it leaked out of the cloth bag and onto my jeans and my coat, which must now be dry-cleaned. It got all over my car and my hands. When examining my hands, I notice the enormous blister on the inside of my middle finger. My whisking finger. I want to cry in the car. I'm a hot, sticky mess.

Well, I don't cry in the car. I don't want to be that crazy emotional woman who ruins the whole party crying over cupcakes. So I try to leave it at the door and make light of it and have a good time, and I do. Even after spending my first half hour there cleaning syrup off of everything from their chairs to the bottom of the unfrosted cupcakes.

 I put the goo in the fridge and left the chocolate and butter at room temp. After dinner, I whip the goo for over ten minutes and nothing happens. It never catches air. It never thickens. All hope of frosting these things is lost, along with 10 eggs and 2 1/2 cups of sugar, and possibly 8 sticks of butter and 24 oz. of semi-sweet morsels. I dump the goo. I feel like goo getting dumped. I want to liquefy and wash down the drain, too. When I look up, the hostess is presenting a can of chocolate frosting! Hooray! Most of them got piped with frosting and sprinkled with sugar pearls and they looked pretty good and tasted great.

There is so much to be learned from this nightmare experience. Hopefully we know where I could have given up earlier and saved a lot of time and mess. We know to always travel with liquid in a sealed Tupperware which is also in at least one plastic bag. We know to always keep a can of frosting in the pantry for emergencies. We should know now that there is a tiny window to whip your egg whites in. We also know that I need a table mixer and everyone should have a backup hand mixer (thank you for the electric mixer daddy!).

But there is still a lot more to find out, like: can you use cupcake batter that has sat in the fridge overnight? When making butter-cream frosting, can you use butter that got to room temperature, then re-refrigerated, then brought to room temperature again? And the melted morsels. Those have been in the fridge all night too. Can I warm it up again and use it?

Cupcake Crazy!

I have been getting very interested in making cupcakes lately. I helped Mom and Dad make 5 or 6 different batches of gourmet cupcakes for Baby V's 1st birthday. They were amazing and fun to make, but I knew I could improve them if I practiced.

I made Vanilla cupcakes for my next batch. I tried to follow the recipe exactly. The cupcakes were yummy (the butter-cream frosting was not as smooth as it looks in the Cupcake Book) but they were like eating big sweet cornbread cupcakes. The texture wasn't dreamy. I did not feel like I was eating dessert made by angels. They were pretty, though. Here are a few pictures.

I was disappointed when the texture of these were so bread-y because my gut wanted to make them with cake flour so they'd be light and airy and moist. Like cake. So I made another batch. I used the White Chocolate Raspberry Cupcake recipe, leaving the white chocolate morsels out of the batch and putting vanilla extract in. (Use 2 tsp. of vanilla extract. Not 1 tsp). These were much better than the above batch, but still not moist enough. Next time, I would use a mix with cake flour and another egg, or a bit of oil or applesauce to give it moisture. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

Book Worms

Big Brother C is dying to go to Great America. Getting the boys to read after school can be a daunting task. Unless of course there is something precious at stake. C was only an hour and a half away from accruing enough minutes to get that free ticket (I hope he gets two and needs a special chaperon!).

 Despite the new Direct TV service in the house, that 6 year old boy read 40 minutes nonstop as soon as he walked into the door from school yesterday, and planned on doing the rest that evening. There have been many times he's read and didn't record his time, so I'm sure he got that ticket. Way to go!!!

Baby V and I have been reading too. It's just as hard trying to get a one year old or less to read as it is a 6 or 9 year old. But the little guy and I made a breakthrough yesterday, spending at least 5 minutes looking at one book. That was Snuggle Puppy by Sandra Boynton. I sang and read as much as I could but we mostly pointed at the pictures and tried to memorize the Mamma Puppy, Baby Puppy, Ball, "O O O," etc. He's doing a good job.

Today we started studying Eric Carle's The Very Lonely Firefly. He can get so interested. He's engaged. He's pointing to the firefly's nose, then his own nose. We point to the firefly's belly, then his own belly. We are on a roll. And as soon as I'm thinking "This kid is a genius!" he slaps the book as hard as he can 6 or 7 times, shuts it, gnaws the corner and whips it over the arm of the chair squealing with delight. I remember, he's only been 1 for a few weeks.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Sweetest!

These boys are the sweetest. Monday morning I was bombarded with Valentine's cards the boys made me. What tender little hearts they have. Especially Big Brother B. He wished me to have a great time with Dylan and hoped it would be romantic! His card was accompanied by a drawing of me and Dylan on the couch watching Netflix. It's sooo us. We spend nearly half our week curled up on the couch with our Roku.

Big brother's A and C also gave me very thoughtful cards. I even got a special drawing and signature by Baby V.

In other exciting news . . . . . Big Brother A is officially a boyscout!!!! He has a new uniform, a huge wood-burned plaque, and was adorned with snakes at his Blue and Gold Ceremony dinner. Way to go A!!!!

Valentine's Day

8 essentials for authentic red velvet cake

  • by The_Stir, on Tue Feb 8, 2011 4:14pm PST

A couple of weeks ago, my friend Nicole Taylor did a segment on real Southern red velvet cake on her foodie radio show, Hot Grease. Nicole is a Southern girl, born and raised in Georgia, and she has some pretty strong opinions about authentic red velvet cake. She searched for the real thing in New York City and came to the stunning conclusion that red velvet here is just wrong, wrong, wrong!
Well, if the culinary capital of the nation can't get it right, does anyone north of the Mason-Dixon get it right? And what's getting lost in translation? What exactly goes into the quintessential red velvet cake?
Although red velvet cake has a mild chocolate flavor, it is not, by definition, a chocolate cake. Rather, it’s a devil's food cake that's made with cocoa, white vinegar, baking soda, and buttermilk. The deep red color comes from red food dye, and the cake is traditionally iced in rich cream cheese frosting. Legend has it that the cake was actually born in the North, at New York City's Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. But there's no question that regardless of its origins, it has become a Southern specialty.
Some bakers out there seem to think all they need is red batter and white frosting to make red velvet cake. Not so, says Nicole, who has eight rules for the truly authentic red velvet cake:

1. The cake must have some cocoa, but not too much because it is not a chocolate cake.
2. The cake must have red food coloring; beet juice does not add the right kind of red.
3. The cake must have cream cheese frosting.
4. There should be pecans. (This was news to me.)
5. You must use high-quality ingredients, including White Lily flour, a Southern specialty flour.
6. Precise measurements and meticulous attention to detail are key for this cake; therefore, it must be made in small, easy-to handle, family-sized batches. (Mass-produced batter just doesn't cut it. Sorry, large-scale bakeries.)
7. You must use a hand-held electric mixer, not a stand mixer: Larger machines can over-mix the batter, which sometimes prevents the cake from rising properly. 8. Red velvet cake batter needs vegetable oil, not butter or shortening. Oil yields a very moist cake.
I've looked around for a recipe and was thrilled to discover this one, which incorporates all eight essentials for the perfect red velvet cake.

Paula Deen’s Red Velvet Cupcakes from Food Network
  • 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa powder
  • 1 1/2 cups vegetable oil
  • 1 cup buttermilk, room temperature
  • 2 large eggs, room temperature
  • 2 tablespoons red food coloring
  • 1 teaspoon white distilled vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line 2 (12-cup) muffin pans with cupcake papers. In a medium mixing bowl, sift together the flour, sugar, baking soda, salt, and cocoa powder. In a large bowl gently beat together the oil, buttermilk, eggs, food coloring, vinegar, and vanilla with a handheld electric mixer. Add the sifted dry ingredients to the wet and mix until smooth and thoroughly combined.
Divide the batter evenly among the cupcake tins about 2/3 filled. Bake in oven for about 20 to 22 minutes, turning the pans once, half way through. Test the cupcakes with a toothpick for doneness. Remove from oven and cool completely before frosting.
For the Cream Cheese Frosting
  • 1 pound cream cheese, softened
  • 2 sticks butter, softened
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 4 cups sifted confectioners' sugar
  • Chopped pecans and fresh raspberries or strawberries, for garnish
In a large mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese, butter and vanilla together until smooth. Add the sugar and on low speed, beat until incorporated. Increase the speed to high and mix until very light and fluffy.
Garnish with chopped pecans, fresh raspberry or strawberry, or sprinkles.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Garlic Chili and Shel Silverstein

You may be thinking "How are Garlic Chili and Shel Silverstein related?" They're not, really. I just wanted to let you know a little about Big Brothers B and C.

Triple B is 9 years old and in 3rd grade. He is the food connoisseur of the family. He is the pickiest, but the hungriest food lover in the family. I try to cook them delicious food as often as possible. The parents don't make me, but I LOVE to cook and their kitchen is HOOKED UP! Right now, I've got Garlic Chile simmering on the stove. This one was submitted by B last year for his school's cook book, and a family favorite. The recipe is as follows:

2-3 lb. ground beef
1 can chicken broth
1 large can crushed tomatoes
1 can tomato sauce
1 can of spicy chili beans
2-3 heaping tsp. of chopped garlic
1/4 c. chili powder
(chili or habanero peppers optional)

I hope it tastes like their mamma's!

Big Brother C is in first grade (6 years old) and a top reader. He can read the same stuff as B, but a little slower. Lately he's been addicted to Shel Silverstein and we've been reading his poems every day after school. This is so fun for me, I really love his poems and accompanying drawings. We've been reading Falling Up, but I remember enjoying Where the Sidewalk Ends much more.

I remember having to perform some of his poems for visiting seniors when I was in third grade. I'm not sure which poem I performed solo, but I did help on another poem with a few other kids. And I volunteered to make the giant Anteater. I think I did that because I kind of liked one of the boys in the group. Most likely no one else wanted to make it and I am a pushover. I think that book is in a closet upstairs . . . I want to find it before the boys get home from school.

Side note** Baby V can't stop saying "mama" and "dada" today. But mostly "mama." I think he misses someone <3

Babies are Cute Sponges

To start, I want to thank my followers. Thank you for your support and interest. I hope to become more interesting and never let you down.

Now, have any of you ever see Dana Carvey's 1995 standup "Critic's Choice?" I know my dad has; my brothers and I used to force him to watch the funny parts. It is still in my top 5 of funniest stand-up performances ever. Well, my top three. I can only think of three right now: Eddie Izzard's "Dress to Kill," Eddie Izzard's "Live From Wembly," and the above mentioned "Critic's Choice."

There's a bit in Dana's standup when he talks about fatherhood. Some of the highlights include "It's Nakey Time!" and the trip to the toy store with your kids. The best is when Dana talks about how kids can be soooo cute that you think you could die. In his example, his little boy, Dex asks him, "Daddy . . . does God have feet?" And Dana holds his chest, goes weak in the knees, and reaches for something to steady him as he proclaims "Can't move . . . child . . . too cute!" Netflix it.

Baby V gave me a few moments like that yesterday. First, I kissed the top of his head and he gave me his head two more times so that I may kiss it. A little bit later, as we were organizing his toys into two piles (things that could potentially be alive and inanimate objects) he kissed every stuffed animal thing as I gave it to him to add to the pile. I caught him doing the absolute sweetest thing much later in the afternoon. I was in the kitchen folding laundry while he did his own thing in the living room. I noticed how quite things were and became suspicious. You know when you don't hear anything, they must be up to no good, right? When I peeped into the living room, I found this baby with a dry wipe in his hand and happily cleaning the big chest by the window that holds the blankets. He was cleaning and cleaning and wiping in circular motions. I got my phone and made a quick video to share with his parents because it was just too precious!

He saw me recording him and he just continued to clean; wiping down the arms of the comfy chairs, the window sill, etc. He would wipe and check for dirt under his cloth, turn it around, and keep wiping. When he got to the edge he would kind of sweep his cleaning hand across and off of it as if he were throwing crumbs to the ground to be swept up/vacuumed later. Wow. I clean surfaces a lot. And babies absorb more than we realize.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

V says "Vvvvv" . . . and V says "Vvvvv"

Well, I rinsed off the garbanzo bean before I gave it to the baby. It was spicier than I remember, and spicey spices for a baby makes for an achy belly for baby and terrible clean-up time for you and me. It's probably needless to say that he didn't like the garbanzo bean. And we didn't make cabbage. I'm sure he was disappointed.

On a funnier note, check out this News in Photos from the Onion: http://www.theonion.com/articles/4yearolds-idea-of-barbie-ken-marriage-involves-lot,9912/

If only we could have those ideas about love and marriage for a little longer. Big Brother A just had a field trip to the Robert Crown Center a few weeks ago. If you didn't take a mandatory field trip there in 5th grade, consider yourself blessed. This is a necessary, but horrifying experience for the young kids. They go to learn about sex education, STD's, the dangers of smoking and drugs, etc. I don't remember my experience very clearly, but I do remember it was a lot of the same info we learned in class, but delivered with IMAX-like visuals. It was like a twisted ride at Disney World; sitting in pods and staring at huge screens. The seats lock you in and force you to watch. I'm sure Brother A felt like Alex in A Clockwork Orange.

Brother A had been dreading this field trip since I started working with them in October. The more he dreaded it the more excited I became for him to go. I'm not sure why it amused me so much. I imagine its probably akin to the joy grandparents feel when their grandchildren stress out the parents. When Big A got home that day, he walked into the door, dropped his huge backpack on the floor and without looking at me, informed me that he wasn't hungry for a snack. His dad tried to ask how long the bus ride was, and the poor kid was so disgusted from his experience he interrupted his dad with "I don't want to talk about it!" We left it at that.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Baby V just took 14 steps toward me and his toys! I know he's walked for his folks and his brothers, and I've seen him stand--but he just walked for real! . . . . That was so exciting . . . .

Get the baby!

Baby V's first birthday party was this past Saturday. It was a blast! He was sooooo good.

This is a happy baby. He never cries and never minds when people put things on his head. He just lets it be there. He played on the floor for five minutes one time with a wash rag on his head. I wasn't trying to be cruel; I was just trying to distract him for a bit while I switched out the laundry.When his daddy and I were making gourmet cupcakes for his upcoming party, I put a fancy paper cupcake cup on his head like a little fez hat and he cooperated long enough to let his daddy get a picture.  Anyway, he was such a sport wearing his balloon jester birthday hat long enough to take 100 photos.

This is the Monday after the party. I'll arrive at 8: 30, see the Brothers off to school, play and nap. V will nap, I will not.  When he gets up round lunch time, I'll see if he likes prepackaged Chana Masala (curried garbanzo beans) and cabbage!