Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring Break Blues . . .

I'm not really sad, just a little homesick.

Today is the second day of my Spring Break. I get two weeks! I haven't had two weeks off from anything since I was unemployed. So . . .it's been about a decade! The boys are in Florida and I am so happy for them. I hope they are writing in their journals and finding cool dead things on the beach.

I actually miss work. I am so blessed to be able to say that. They are like my little brothers. I spend more waking time at their house than anywhere else. And it's so relaxed and comfortable there.

Yesterday I found myself listing off things I missed about them to Dylan and just catching him up on all the cute things Baby V does. Just a little while ago I ate a grape that looked like a tiny rear end and heard Brother C's little voice in my head say "Butt-cheeks!" and I missed him. I saw the caricature of Brother B and I missed him. On my phone, Big Brother A must have snapped a photo of himself and the baby and I missed them.

But I am keeping busy. These next two weeks are allllllllll about me. I've started my Spring Break Challenge and made two tiny paintings yesterday . Here they are . . .

I am off to a great start, but I must be more productive! I want to finish my cousin's portrait by mid-April at the latest, and I want to finish Dylan's portrait. Here is the start of Dylan's portrait. It's a big one 2' x 3'. It will be my masterpiece (when I finish it . . . ).

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