Monday, August 22, 2011

Back To School!

Whew! What a summer! You must be wondering "Where have they been these last few months?" We didn't leave you. On the contrary, we have been living it up so we'll have plenty to talk about for the rest of the year.

Today was bittersweet, or as Mom (the boys' mom) would say "Sweet and Salty." It was so sad to know the baby and I wouldn't see the older boys as much. On one hand, less games, less laughter, less companionship, less everything! And on the other; less fighting and less stress.  Their mom and dad took me and their baby, or Moo Shoo Chicken as he is fondly termed by most everyone in the house by now, out to breakfast to celebrate.

Cam is in second grade, his older brother, Bryce is in 4th, and Ash has gone away to begin middle school in the sixth grade. And he LOVES it! All he could talk about when he got home today was how he couldn't wait for school tomorrow. Weirdo . . .

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