I hate that feeling you get when a baby cries in bed. At the end of the nap, its ok. You're glad to get that cue to get him and bring him downstairs back into life. But when he cries at the very beginning, its heartbreaking. Actually, the feeling isn't really in my heart, but my stomach. I feel nauseous. I can't focus on anything. Should I bring him downstairs? Does he need anything? Should I let him cry it out?
Baby V hid all his pacifiers and has been relying on only one. And I can't find it! I know you shouldn't rely on things like bottles, pacifiers, music/sound machines to get a baby to bed, but we can only wrestle one addiction at a time. We are off bottles in the daytime, and only need the sound machine if his brothers are home, but the paci?
We stayed up a little longer today goofing off and playing, but had to stay on schedule. I put him down about 10:00 or 10:15am without his pacifier and he's crying and crying, hoping I hear him. And I hear him. I know he's had everything he needs so I'm trying to ignore him . . . .but wait! Ah . . . . the silence of sleep . . . .
Keep it up girl and you'll have him off the paci. :)