
Here is a project that I plan to do with the boys. I think it would be cool and appropriate for children ages 18 months to 11 years old. If any of you get around to doing it before we do, tell us what you think! I found this from

Water Bottle Holder

Hydrate in style with the help of this hands-free bottle holder that fits most any 16- to 20-ounce bottle. The less-is-more design is easy to duplicate and features a rubber O-ring that costs under a dollar at a hardware store.
  • Clear nail polish
  • 4 feet of cotton or polypropylene belt webbing (available at fabric stores) for the strap. Note: smaller kids may want shorter straps.
  • 1 rubber O-ring from the hardware store plumbing department (ours was 1 1/8 by 7/8 by 1/8 inches). Take a bottle to the store to test the fit before you buy.
  • 2 no-sew dungaree buttons (available at fabric stores)
  1. Water Bottle Holder - Step 1 To prevent fraying, brush clear nail polish (supervise younger kids) onto both ends of the webbing and allow it to dry.
  2. Water Bottle Holder - Step 2 Feed 2 to 3 inches of the webbing through the O-ring and secure with a dungaree button. (Push the tack through the webbing, place the button on the point, and press firmly together.)
  3. Water Bottle Holder - Step 3 Repeat for the other end of the webbing. Be careful not to twist it before you attach the second button. Decorate the strap if you like. Slip the O-ring over the neck of the water bottle.