Monday, March 7, 2011

You Never Forget Your First Kiss . . .

It's official! That baby loves me. Last Wednesday, I received my very first kiss from Baby V. It was just as awkward as any first kiss. Not that I'm unfamiliar with baby kisses, I just wasn't prepared!

We were sitting on the floor playing catch like any other Wednesday morning, when he inched closer to me. I was prepared for a whine and a hug and getting ready to pick him up. Instead, he opened is little baby mouth and lunged right at my face. He's not really a biter, but I wasn't sure what he was going to do. My eyes got wide, I turned my head and tried to dodge him, and smack! He landed one right on my cheek! I realized immediately that I got a sweet baby kiss. It was wonderful.

I was fortunate to receive another the very next day. Again, we were playing on the floor when the emotion overtook him. He crawled right at me at 100 miles per hour and put another on my cheek. It wasn't elicited;  he gave it of his own free will. I'm so lucky.

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