Thursday, March 24, 2011

These Shoes Are Made For Walking . . .

 . . . And that's just what they'll do . . . If they can find any! Today we went to the mall in search of baby's first walking shoes. No luck. Apparently, Striderite is no longer at the mall. Can you believe out of the whole mall that sells tons of baby clothes, there are no good shoes for babies and toddlers? Incredible. That baby's gonna be doing a lot of walking in Florida. I hope they find some good ones.

On another note, Big Brother B had try-outs for minor league baseball. He should find out tomorrow if he made it. Good luck B! We know you're an All-Star.

Also, Big Brother A is submitting t-shirt designs for his school's Run For Fun. I hope he gets it. It sounds like girls' submissions always win. Let's give it to the boys this time. 

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